Monday, November 10, 2008

Orthodox Readings of Augustine

New Release
Orthodox Readings of Augustine
George E. Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou, editors

St Vladimir's Seminary Press
ISBN 9780881413274
Softcover 304 pages
Price; US $ 22.00

This book not only presents Eastern Orthodox readings of the great Latin theologian, but also demonstrates the very nature of theological consensus in ecumenical dialogue, from a referential starting point of the ancient and great Fathers. This collection exemplifies how, once, the Latin and Byzantine churches, from a deep communion of the faith that transcended linguistic, cultural and intellectual differences, sang from the same page a harmonious song of the beauty of Christ.

Contributors are: Lewis Ayres • John Behr • David Bradshaw • Brian E. Daley • George E. Demacopoulos • Elizabeth Fisher • Reinhard Flogaus • Carol Harrison • David Bentley Hart • Joseph T. Lienhard • Andrew Louth • Jean-Luc Marion • Aristotle Papanikolaou • David Tracy

Posted by Nina Chapman on behalf of St Vladimir's Seminary Press

1 comment:

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God Bless

|Hannah Bevills||