Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New Book Release Conciliar Press

Dimitri's Cross: The Life and Letters of St. Dmitri Kleppinin, Marytyred During the Holocaust  by Helene Arjakovsky-Klepinine   Ben Lomond, CA: Conciliar Press Ministries, 2008    189 pages, paperback

Recently there has been a renewed interest in the Parisian Orthodox that lived, worked, and ministered during the earlier part of the 20th century; namely, Lev Gillet, Elizabeth Behr-Sigel, Mother Maria Skobtsova, Paul Evdokimov, Sergius Bulgakov, and Nicholas Afanasiev. Now, thanks to the work of his daughther Helene we now have a short biography of Fr. Dimitri, the longtime friend and pastor to Mother Maria and martyr in the Holocaust. Much can be said about this book, it certainly shows Dimitri's bravery and many sacrifices to save Jews during this difficult time in France. Scholars think that he along with others saved several hundred people by creating fake baptismal certificates. Dimitri's Cross also includes many letters that he wrote to his wife while he was interred in a prison camp. This is a worthy book to read especially for those of us who want to learn more about contemporary Orthodox persons who are "living saints" to us. 

Monday, November 10, 2008

Orthodox Readings of Augustine

New Release
Orthodox Readings of Augustine
George E. Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou, editors

St Vladimir's Seminary Press
ISBN 9780881413274
Softcover 304 pages
Price; US $ 22.00

This book not only presents Eastern Orthodox readings of the great Latin theologian, but also demonstrates the very nature of theological consensus in ecumenical dialogue, from a referential starting point of the ancient and great Fathers. This collection exemplifies how, once, the Latin and Byzantine churches, from a deep communion of the faith that transcended linguistic, cultural and intellectual differences, sang from the same page a harmonious song of the beauty of Christ.

Contributors are: Lewis Ayres • John Behr • David Bradshaw • Brian E. Daley • George E. Demacopoulos • Elizabeth Fisher • Reinhard Flogaus • Carol Harrison • David Bentley Hart • Joseph T. Lienhard • Andrew Louth • Jean-Luc Marion • Aristotle Papanikolaou • David Tracy

Posted by Nina Chapman on behalf of St Vladimir's Seminary Press

Monday, November 3, 2008

Coming Soon

Our Father: A Prayer for Christian Living (Rollinsford, NH: Orthodox Research Institute, 2008)

I wanted to share some good news about my new book project. Our Father is an easy to read reflection on the Lord's Prayer. Each chapter is devoted to the scriptural background of the prayer. Also included are a series of "food for thought" sections which helps the reader reflect more deeply on the meaning of each verse. Our Father is a resource for both personal and group Bible study as well as for sermon preparation.

Our Father will be available before Christmas 2008

For ordering information contact the publisher at

posted Nov. 3
Fr. Bill